Friday, August 10, 2012

The Final Stitch

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

For the first time I was completely exhausted this morning when I woke up to my alarm in the pitch black.  I managed to get out of bed and woke up quickly after mass.  Sister Loretta was having her toe operated on today, so I had someone to walk with to Kilu’ufi!  We enjoyed our walk, but I could tell she was so nervous.  I waited outside the operating theater with her as we saw Dr. Jason and Dr. Joe getting ready.  We spoke with a woman outside of the theater who shook my hand and thanked me for “yesterday.”  It was then I realized that this was the woman’s mother that had the C-section!  She was so grateful and said she was worried the entire time.  All the credit goes to Dr. Solomon and the team because they are truly amazing.  Because Sister’s operation was so quick, they took her in on time actually!  I scrubbed up but decided it would be best to hold her hand instead of cut her toenail off.  I do still want a place to sleep at the end of the day!  Dr. Joe was laughing when I refused to do the cut but he was also nervous because he is part of Auki Parish!  After some numbing and a few quick cuts, Sister was all done, but she was in pain! I felt horrible but she took the bus home and I instructed her to rest for the remainder of the day.

After Sister, we saw a young boy with a fractured wrist and also a prisoner with fluid in his knee.  The nurses took care of both procedures.  I was a little nervous to see a prisoner even with the guards in the room, considering he was arrested for assault/manslaughter.  Dr. Jason said he was ready with sedatives and I hoped he was joking.  When Dr. Solomon came in, she told me she saw Alick this morning getting on the boat to go home!  She wished him well and gave him money to buy snacks.  I truly saw the light in her eyes when recounted the story.   I held down the fort in the Operating Theater while Dr. Solomon took care of a woman in septic shock in the maternity ward.  

Dr. Solomon came back and reported that the hospital ran out of “Panadol” or Tylenol, to give the mother in septic shock.  She was sweating with a fever and infection and the hospital could not help.  Dr. Solomon said she had to go to outpatient and ask the people outside if they had any extra tablets.  Luckily, she gathered five from various people and was able to give them to the mother.  I could not believe that this happened.  Could you imagine a hospital running out of Advil?  Dr. Solomon said that the director had not ordered more because the hospital doesn’t have the money.  Because the medicine is freely given out if prescribed, there is no “profit.”  Once again, government corruption rears its ugly head.

Dr. Solomon and I saw a few more patients in the children’s ward and maternity.  There was no real action, so I decided it would be helpful to the sisters if I went to town to pick up some produce for the rest of the week.  Clare and I caught a ride with one of the parish teachers and went to get Internet first.  I caught up with a few important emails and received a picture from my mom and dad showing me my room in my house in Providence that they furnished for me.  I couldn’t believe their hard work and it made me miss them incredibly.  More than ever, I feel so lucky.  At the market, I decided I wanted to buy something to make for lunch for the doctors tomorrow.  We haven’t taken one lunch break yet, and Dr. Solomon mentioned maybe taking one tomorrow (we’ll see…)  I picked up a loaf of bread, peanut butter, jelly, cookies, and watermelon.  Although this may not sound appetizing, this lunch would truly be a delicacy at Kilu’ufi.  I was hoping to find some pineapple or bananas at the market, but nothing was available besides Betelnut.  I had to be creative.  After picking up sodas for them, I was satisfied.

While waiting for the bus to return home, Clare and I saw the ice cream stand was open and enjoyed every bite.  I proceeded to drop the watermelon and watch it roll down the street.  It was fine when I caught it but I realized I drew attention to myself when I saw a crowd laughing.  Woops.  It is already intimidating going to the market as the only white person, but I cannot seem to blend in no matter what I do.  The motif continued when we caught the bus, as I was the only person crammed in the front facing everyone.  The only thing I could do was laugh as I was about one inch from a stranger face-to-face.  I sure stick out like a sore thumb, but that’s how it is in the US too!  A true universal trait.

Sister was still sleeping in the hammock when we got home, and Clare and I decided to do Insanity.  Agatha met us in the conference room under the Bishop’s house and soon there were maybe 10 people all joining!  Chrisma’s mom Jill, grandma Gladys, friends, and Sister’s students were all doing Insanity.  I thought it was hilarious but also partially dangerous.  I toned the exercise down while Clare took Shaun T. seriously.  I couldn’t even fathom that a grandmother that had never exercised in her entire life was starting with this torture video.  Not safe.  Tomorrow I think we’ll do some sit-ups and fast walking!  The girls here are really excited about exercise.  I don’t think they have been introduced to any type besides soccer or sport, and mainly the boys take over.  I think it is important for them to realize that they are capable of setting aside a half an hour each day to be active.  This will make for a healthier population and give them some confidence.

After dinner and playing cards until late, I am signing out until tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I awoke to pouring rain outside my window and the cool breeze felt amazing.  When I finally got up, I attended the morning mass said by Father Moses.  After, Clare gave Richard back his birthday present backpack that she sewed.  Anything bought from the Chinese shops here is the absolute lowest quality so of course his new backpack broke the first day.  He was happy to have it back, and pulled me aside to show me a drawing he made me.  I could have just hugged him but I held back.  He was saying how his English isn’t well but he wanted me to accept a gift.  He even put an octopus in the center because I was admiring one on his other design!  He is planning to show us his village on Saturday.  His house is on stilts in the water.

Richard joined us for breakfast and then headed off to school.  Afterward I realized if we had not asked him to come over, he would have been starving all day.  We had crackers for breakfast, which barely sustain me, so I can’t imagine how a growing boy would feel.  Aligegeo high school students receive 4 crackers for breakfast and rice for the rest of their meals.  It seems that food and lack thereof turned out to be the theme of the day.

When Sister Matilda and Clare headed off to teach kindergarten, I took out my lunch supplies to make a feast for the doctors.  I sliced a huge watermelon (I am actually sore from carrying it back from the market) and placed it in a Tupperware.  I found myself happy to see how much I got for my money.  Since the market did not have any vegetables, bananas, or pineapple, I decided to make them my specialty:  peanut butter and jelly.  I felt disappointed that I couldn’t be more creative.  I made about a loaf’s worth of sandwiches and sliced them diagonally for effect.  I packed a container of cookies and 4 sodas for the director and 3 doctors.  Right as I packed everything up in a tablecloth and tied it so I could carry it on my shoulder for the long walk, the sky opened up with more rain.  Perfect timing!  When it slowed down a little I commenced my journey looking like I ran away from home with my knapsack, but luckily I caught a bus to Kilu’ufi.  I let the director know about lunch and also Dr. Jason when I saw him.  I received a pat on the arm and a, “You should come here more often!” He obviously means I am doing such a good job in the operating room.  I informed Dr. Joe who raised his eyebrows 3 times, and just shook my hand.  I couldn’t believe how happy they were to just eat peanut butter and jelly.  I have never seen them take a lunch break once, and if anyone deserves it, they certainly do.  Dr. Solomon was equally as excited as her eyes widened and she promised to take a break today.  I knew that wasn’t going to happen but I figured she could eat it for dinner if not!  I dropped the cookies off in the operating theater for my nurse friends and headed to the children’s ward. 

In the children’s ward, there were some new admissions.  I played with a little boy named Junior Sammy for about an hour as the doctors and nurses were reviewing him.  He was admitted based on “failure to thrive” or failure to gain adequate weight or grow for his age.  His AST enzyme count was abnormal after blood work. Dr. Solomon said that this represented an acute viral infection in the liver.  She said that she suspected it was due to malnutrition.  She said she feels sorry for the babies who have to suffer because the parents are either ignorant or just unable to provide their children with necessary vitamins and minerals.  Americans have baby charts where the pediatrician will mark the child’s height and weight compared to the average.  Based on the World Health Organization chart, a Solomon Island baby at 60% of height and weight is considered normal.  Babies can survive at 1.2 kilos.

Baby Collin
By the time we finished the rounds in the children’s ward, we moved on to a quick operating theater case that Dr. Jason took care of.  It was around noon, so it was time to head to the maternity ward to see patients.  Dr. Solomon began seeing a few, but as I walked through the ward a particular baby caught my eye.  He was staring at me from his wrapped blankets in the middle of the hospital bed.  His mother was nowhere to be found.  Just 2 days old, this baby was absolutely beautiful and perfect.  I took a seat and decided to just hold his hand.  Veronica, the woman whose husband I convinced to stay at Kilu’ufi due to her baby’s small weight, came over to talk.  Slowly all the mothers began asking me questions and wanted me to name their babies.  Whoa!  They apologized for staring and said they just like to look at me.  They even said the baby boy I was playing with looked like me!  We talked about childbirth for a little, and Veronica said that I looked like I was 15 years old.  Thanks!  It was a riot entertaining these mothers though.  I recognized some from when I operated on them!  They decided that I was to marry a Solomon boy and stay.  I agreed and they are working on finding me one.  Finally the baby boy’s mother came back and let me hold her son.  I was completely in love.  He yawned and yawned and even sneezed.  He was the cutest little nugget I have ever seen.  The mother really wanted me to name him but I felt so bad!  Veronica wanted me to write down a name so I finally gave in.  Baby Collin it is.  I told the mother I was taking him to America and Veronica told me I couldn’t because the woman was married.  Um, I was just kidding!  She said that if the mother wasn’t married and had a child it would be up for grabs.  Wow.  There are still so many traditional customs and taboos in the Solomon’s that really need to be eliminated for women’s sake.

It was around 3 PM and once again I was famished!  Dr. Solomon kept saying she wanted to eat lunch but I told her we could press on with her patients.  After all, I am only here for so long.  It is good training for when I start working!  I took a few vitals for her and we set off to her outpatient gynecological clinic.  Once a week, women come in for various issues that they wouldn’t go to Dr. Jason for.  There were two women with ovarian cysts that presented a lot of pain.  One was 20 years old and a student at Aligegeo.  Both of their pain got worse with menstruation.  After booking them for the surgical tour, Dr. Solomon explained more of the taboos with menstruation.  Women who live in the bush still abide by the rules of isolating themselves during this time of month.  They also need to be in isolation during birth.  She said that this is abuse and the most dangerous and unhealthy practice.  She also said that women have no access (even in Auki) to sanitary napkins so once-a-month you can expect girls to just stay in their house or miss school. 

Around 4 PM, Dr. Solomon slowly led me to the office where I collapsed.  How does she work like this every day?  I handed her the sandwiches and she devoured them.  I enjoyed some melon while reading over her speech on Friday.  Dr. Solomon is involved with a women’s rights group run by the United Nations, Unicef, World Health Organization (WHO), Ramsi, and so on.  Basically, they asked her to be a representative for Malaita because she is so knowledgeable and so powerful.  Dr. Solomon has been a part of a study where women volunteered to let researchers come to their home and interview them.  Both qualitatively and quantitatively, data on abuse was collected.  Over 2/3 of women are abused and it is more likely that a woman will die from abuse than malaria.  There are no such things as social workers, and Dr. Solomon is working to affiliate one with the hospital.  She also wants to advocate for women’s centers and shelters to prevent violence.  It is extremely difficult because women have always been submissive throughout the Solomon culture.  Women in America don’t even admit to being abused, so imagine how difficult it would be for a Solomon Islander where this harassment is socially accepted?  I commend Dr. Solomon for taking on yet another project and advocating for women’s rights.  It is an overlooked aspect of health in the Solomon’s, particularly mental and reproductive health.  Women become depressed/anxious as a result of the abuse and fail to be treated.  Furthermore, even though a couple might be married, men essentially rape their wives to have more children (more children=more money when they work or get married, such as bride prices), which could be detrimental to the mother’s health and baby’s.  I admire Dr. Solomon’s courage and her ability to stand as a role model for any woman.  She is the only woman (besides the sisters) I have met who has held a job without having children yet.  She is an incredible woman and I am eagerly awaiting her talk. 

Just as I was about to walk home, it was torrential yet again.  Dr. Solomon walked me out, and I caught the bus home.  I arrived at Fanualama and smelt something incredible (still starving…) I saw Clare headed to the back of Bishop’s and I followed her to an amazing sight.  Agatha and Sister Loretta were making a cassava and coconut pudding in the outdoor grass hut!  What a great day!  They grated the cassava and milked the coconut.  After wrapping a pan in palm leaves from the trees, they placed the two ingredients on top and covered it with more leaves.  They placed the pan on hot stones and put more stones on top.  What resulted was a delicacy.  The consistency was like thick oatmeal but not sweet, just crispy.  We shared the best dinner of fish, cabbage, papaya (popo), and pudding.  Sister Loretta wanted me to watch a movie called, “Gifted Hands” starring Cuba Gooding Junior as a pediatric neurosurgeon completing an operation to separate the heads of Siamese twins.  We all watched the film and joked that I would be doing the same thing tomorrow.  At this rate, anything is possible.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I couldn’t believe today was my last day in the operating theater.  I was seriously upset as I made my walk to Kilu’ufi.  When I arrived, I was thanked thoroughly for the food I brought yesterday and I was happy everyone was pleased.  The doctors were seeing 2 abscesses today.  Nurse David took care of the first, a woman with a mammary abscess.  The lymph node under her armpit was also extremely swollen.  Dr. Jason said this type of abscess is common, but I had never seen anything that looked so painful.  Her baby was only a week old.  I will spare the details but let’s just say there was a lot of cutting and scrubbing involved.  When I finished I ran into the other room to sit down while David walked in mimicking me.  He said that I was supposed to move toward the patient not away!  We joked the rest of the day about this experience and I told him I would get him back!

After I took a quick break, it was time to fix an old woman’s fractured leg.  It looked like her shinbone was cracked from falling up the stairs.  She winced in pain as they tried to straighten her leg and set just the back with plaster.  Her knee was too swollen with arthritis to put a cast on her whole leg so they would wait a week until they could drain her knee.  It was then a little boy’s turn for abscess removal.  The boy was put under so much ketamine he was having trouble waking up.  He broke into a sweat and his eyes were going back and forth.  It was so upsetting to see him like that and it reminded me of David After Dentist, “Is this going to last forever?” except it wasn’t funny!  He kept calling for his dad in a little voice saying he was hungry.  I felt terrible as they wheeled him away, but there was an appendectomy to get through.

While we waited to the patient to stabilize, I had many interesting conversations with the doctors and nurses.  Dr. Jason and I discussed his training in New Zealand and how it is hard to move around to different hospitals such as Honiara and Kilu’ufi.  He would like to do more training but unfortunately he cannot leave because of the shortage of staff.  I then moved on to a wonderful conversation with David who wants me to find him an American girlfriend.  I told him about the show “The Bachelor” and he wants to be on it.  He said he would prefer a Spanish woman, so who do you think I suggested?  Dani.  I described her appearance and received many “Ooohs and ahhhs.” I told him how all the boys in the US stare at her when she walks by and he agreed he wants to meet her.  Dan, next time you’re coming with me!  Our conversation then moved on to Solomon food and everyone laughed when they found out I ate sandpaper cabbage.  I think it is sort of the spinach equivalent in America.  It is regarded as not that tasty and it is easily grown.  It is what many families eat when they cannot find anything else, but I loved when Sister made it.  The nurses were laughing.  I told them about the cassava pudding, the mangrove fruit, tayo, and coconut rice and they couldn’t believe I liked it!  Now I was starving and it was time to go into the appendectomy.

 It was around 1 PM and I was already exhausted.  Dr. Jason wanted me to help.  This surgery was grueling and very physical.  I watched Dr. Jason whenever he cut, and helped with whatever he needed in the 2-hour surgery.  The man had much more muscle than the women so it was a very tiring operation.  While he was stitching the patient up, Dr. Jason and I chatted about the sports I played and activities.  I told them about field hockey and martial arts which they loved.  Dr. Jason told me he was a singer songwriter and was in a band!  I told him to bring me his record and I hope he listens!  When we were finished, Dr. Solomon told me that there were going to be twins delivered, so I said my goodbyes and walked over to the labor ward.
Dr. Jason in the Operating Theater!

The twins were not expected for another couple hours, and it was approaching 4 o’clock.  I walked around the ward and ended up chatting with one of the nurses, Cathy.  She is a well-spoken woman from Western Province.  She translated the “slang” that some of the men were saying to me when I walked by which I appreciated (I think..)  She ended up telling me her life story about how she wanted to marry a German doctor but her parents wouldn’t allow it.  They instead arranged a marriage for her so she would remain in the Solomon’s.  She said that she still thinks about him and he still writes her.  She told me that she was adopted and has a niece that goes to Berkley in California.  She also said that her great granduncle was actually the man that saved JFK when he was shipwrecked during WWII.  If you read up on the Pacific part of the war, you will learn that the story goes that JFK was stranded, wrote a message on a coconut, and was saved by Solomon Islanders who delivered the message to the US base.  This is exactly the story Cathy told me!  She said that her uncle was one of the men on the island who rescued the canoe JFK was drifting in with two others.  JFK exclaimed that he was American not Japanese, so her uncle rescued the boat.  He proceeded to climb up the coconut tree and grab an unripe (soft) fruit.  He carved a message on the coconut and hopped in the canoe to sail to Rendova where the US base was stationed.  They delivered the message by night and left JFK on the island because he refused to get on the boat in fear of getting hurt.  The US base received the message and rescued JFK.  Her uncle’s name was Biuku, but JFK pronounced it “Book.” 

I could seriously talk to these people all day.  They are so aware of their family history and so cultural in tune.  I figured I should probably head back so I started the walk home.  I barely reached the road outside of the hospital when a man came up to me with his hand outstretched.  This is normal, so I was not really alarmed.  Not until he introduced himself and told me that he was a bipolar patient in the Psychiatric Unit who had been off his medication for 8 years.  He said he came back to take some because he is starting to work as a mechanic.  I told him he was doing the right thing and tried to keep my smile.  I couldn’t help feeling a little nervous as I walked away down the road but all was fine.  After a nice meal and seeing the Bishop after his return, I went to Aligegeo with Sister Loretta and Clare to watch the students practice their speeches for a competition tomorrow.  This is a provincial competition and 17 students are competing from 4 schools.  Our friend Christina is one of them so I was quick to go listen to her speech on women empowerment and equal rights.  I listened to 4 different speeches tonight on poverty, development, and equality and I am truly impressed with the caliber of their English and confidence.  We walked to the dining hall (where my infamous dance took place) and noticed that so many people from different organizations were decorating the room with palm fronds and chairs.  It looked beautiful.  Christina then presented Clare and I with the sweetest letter and gifts of bracelets and lava lavas, or sarongs.  She apologized her English is not that well.  We invited her for dinner this weekend and Clare and I will try and spend as much time with her as possible.  I will miss this country and the beautiful people greatly.  Reiterating the words of Samuel, one of the speech competitors, “The Solomon Islands may be impoverished, but it is a rich country in its people.” 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Clare, Sister Loretta, and I traveled to Aligegeo early this morning to help the students prepare for their big speech day!  I was so excited for Christina and her women empowerment speech.  I was planning on staying the morning and then heading to Kilu’ufi for Dr. Solomon’s talk and then making it back to see the award ceremony.  The deputy principal stayed up all night decorating, and the dining hall looked fabulous.  It was donned in palms, flowers, and lava lavas.  The kids had the day off from school and were crowding around the hall waiting for the judges to arrive.  The minister of education arrived along with the UNDP, or United Nations Development Program.  They were running the speech contest to raise awareness for their eight new goals or initiatives to be achieved by 2015.  They were environment sustainability, eradicate poverty and extreme hunger, improve maternal health, lower infant mortality rates, reduce diseases such as HIV/AIDS & malaria, globalization and development, empowerment of women and gender equality, and ensure primary education.  The goal was for the students to either write an essay or give a speech on any of these topics.  The dining hall was packed, and there was even a bamboo band for entertainment!  The whole event was very formal, but I had to run to Kilu’ufi for Dr. Solomon’s speech!

When I got to Kilu’ufi, I helped out in the wards for a bit.  Richard came to outpatient excused from school because he was feeling so sick.  I gave his slip to Dr. Jason and hopefully he will get an X-ray this time to get everything sorted out.  There was also a CVA, or stroke patient in the waiting area with blood pressure 230/130.  I couldn’t believe it.  She was shouting in pain as we tried to help her swallow her pain medication.  Dr. Solomon still wasn’t in yet and it was 11:30 AM so I was getting worried because her talk was at 12.  They called her mobile and she was at home with a serious migraine but was being picked up.  I had made her lunch before her speech and she was happy to eat something.  She said she thought it was malaria but hopefully she would feel better.  Despite her illness, her talk was very enlightening.  Most of the staff came to the classroom and she summarized a workshop she attended in Honiara regarding VAW or Violence Against Women.  She is a representative for UN Women and was discussing the findings of the study that 2/3 of women are abused.  She recounted case studies and initiatives to make women feel safe and also to establish places where they can have shelter.  They would also like to train someone in outpatient to deal with abuse cases and to get the social worker involved.  Right now the social worker, police, doctors, and government are all on different pages.  I picked up most of her talk in pidgin, but I asked her if she knew anything about the speeches going on at Aligegeo.  She said she had heard about them but her research wasn’t connected!  She wanted me to get Christina’s contact information so she could come speak at the hospital.  Hopefully I can create a foundation for an alliance with Dr. Solomon and younger girls for women’s rights.  My job now is to connect the two establishments so when I leave they can move forward.  There is also a woman, Sheila, who is arriving at Fanualama today for a women’s rights workshop.  She started a Catholic Women’s Group to make village women aware of violence.  I told Dr. Solomon about her and she wants to meet her as well.  I hope that these connections are made and that progress is made to stop the women and child abuse in this country.  George, one of the operating nurses, told me that you can actually buy a baby in the Central Market at Honiara.  The same place where you can buy bananas, pineapple, and coconut.  This violence needs to stop and if Dr. Solomon and various women’s groups can bring awareness, that is a solid first step.

Right when I stepped out of Kilu’ufi, it started to rain like usual, so I rode the bus to Alegegio to try and catch Christina’s speech.  I took a back way into the dining hall and got lost for 10 minutes and slipped down a muddy hill, but I finally found it and I was in time!  I rushed in and sat down to watch and was suddenly overwhelmed by excruciating heat.  The dining hall was so hot and these people had been sitting here since 8:30 AM and it was 2 PM!  I was told it was even a hot day for the Solomon Islanders.  The kids laughed at all the speeches for some reason, whenever the speakers would make a bold statement.  One girl even ended her speech with, “Women are not recreational tools for exercise.”  That got everyone going.  Christina was so nervous but truly nailed her speech.  After waiting 2 more hours for the judges to decide the winner in “Solomon time” they were finally ready.  Christina had won 3rd place out of 17 contestants!  In fact, 2 other girls who spoke on women’s rights received 1st and 2nd.  It was a good day for the ladies.  Clare was equally as thrilled because she had revised their essays and worked with them all week.  Aligegeo also cleaned up in the essay contest, with Clare’s student taking 2nd place.  Overall, it was a great day.  Christina even told us that after form 7, she wanted to become a Sister of Charity, like Mother Teresa.  She said that she would want to be a nurse and help as many people as she could.  She is seriously adorable and her win showed that good things happen to good people.

Today was major progress for Malaita in the eight millennium development goals.  Making the youth aware is the first step to securing their future.   After listening to 2 more speeches from the ministry, Clare and I walked back to the house.  Bishop invited us to dinner to say goodbye because tomorrow he leaves for Honiara and New Caledonia so we will miss him before we leave.  He cooked us an incredible pasta with garlic bread and…. OLIVES! I was never so happy to see kalamata olives and I think I ate the entire bowl while the other women (Sheila’s Solomon Island women’s group) were grossed out and didn’t touch them.  After dinner, we talked with the 3 women from Malaita about their foundation of the Catholic Women’s group with Sheila.  Apparently, she traveled to the Solomon Islands and lived here for 10 years with her husband who was a doctor at Kilu’ufi.  The labor ward is dedicated to him.  When she was here, she got involved with the women who were being abused in their village. They founded a group and now these 3 women teach others.  Essentially, it is like a support group.  The sad part is, some women have to ask their husbands if they are allowed to attend meetings.  I realize now that women in America take their freedom for granted.  One of the older women, Immaculate, was telling us stories about how her son was a priest and her husband didn’t want him to be.  She was hysterical and told us how her son told her everything and she hid the secret from her Anglican husband.  When he was asked to go to the seminary, she acted like she didn’t know anything when her husband found out.  She was laughing as she was telling the story.  Now her husband is a fully converted Catholic and everything worked out.  She told him the story after and said that he could be scar sometimes so she pretended she didn’t know.  Listening to these women recount their stories is so entertaining.  It made me realize just how many unique stories exist in this world.   

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