Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lukim iu behind! (pidgin "see you soon")

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Another weekend at Fanualama, and I knew it was going to be incredible.  As I woke up, I couldn’t believe it was my last Saturday.  Bishop was leaving today so we had to say our goodbyes.  First he took us to the market like usual where we stocked up on vegetables, taro, peppers, cucumber, breadfruit, cabbage, and of course… 3 pineapples!  We carried our groceries through the market with the sisters and it was lucky we had extra helping hands.  Clare and I decided to walk to get Internet access, so the sisters took our groceries home.  After checking some emails quick, we walked to the Cathedral where the Aligegeo students were having practice for liturgy tomorrow.  We listened to their singing and it was fun to recognize a majority of them!  Their voices are beautiful and I want to take videos of them singing tomorrow.  We walked home after practice with Sister Loretta and prepared some lunch.  She decided to make the taro, which is actually potato and coconut mixed in a bamboo stalk.  At first I thought I was eating bamboo, but I realized after that they just package it in there.  Sister heated the bamboo stalk on the stove, broke it open, and peeled the potato out.  It was delicious!   

Richard unfortunately was still not feeling well, but he refused to back out on his promise to take Clare and I to see his village, Lilisiana.  As much as I felt bad he was sick, I wanted to see where he lived so badly.  We hopped in Bishop’s truck with Patrick, Agatha, and sister’s 2 nieces Wendy and Gladys.  We bid Bishop goodbye at the wharf and then set off on our journey.  Richard kept apologizing for his English but I could understand him just fine!  He and Patrick took us down a long sandy road right along the water.  Families were posted up under their houses on stilts doing laundry by the water.  Richard showed me his primary school, and I could not believe how small it was.  He knew everyone we passed, showing me how close the villages are.  These were all his “wontaks.”  I had never witnessed a more beautiful place in my entire life.  Lilisiana is known for their houses on stilts coming out of the water.  These people ran out of land to build on, so they created artificial island villages.  The people are also known for making shell money and all of the jewelry is for sale all over Solomon’s, especially in Honiara. 

We winded down this path and I just gazed at hut after hut.  The way they were built so intricately seriously blew my mind.  I was in a trance until I literally almost ran into a wild pig!  It was HUGE and was bathing in the mud.  The little piglets followed behind.  Richard decided to take us to his home, and on the way we met Phillip, the main singer in church, and George, one of the altar boys.  Their huts were so tiny and had many family members living inside.  We kept walking as the little children ran around unclothed staring at us and decided whether or not to wave.  It was so lucky to be with Richard and Patrick so Clare and I didn’t seem like tourists (well, we were as close to locals as we could get).  We arrived the church where Father Moses says mass and Richard’s house was just to the left.  I met his many many family members, including sisters, older brothers, nieces, nephews, uncles, and his mother.  Their hut was probably the size of a triple dorm room at school.  Everyone was so happy, and his brother Gabby (the soccer player) even rode into the backyard on a canoe for good measure.  I took a moment to realize that I was sitting on a wooden bench outside of my Solomon Island friend’s woven grass hut in his village.  It was out of this world.  Seeing Lilisiana in all its beauty despite the impoverished people was a remarkable sight.  There was no feeling of despair among these people. 

Richard led us down another road along the beach to reach a freshwater lake.  We walked and talked for a long way, and I asked Richard to do an impression of me.  He said in an exaggerated girl voice, “WOW, COOL!”  I couldn’t stop laughing.  I mimicked him as speaking a mile a minute in pidgin.  We also joked how he couldn’t flare his nostrils or say the color purple.  He pronounced it “poypull.”  Richard was not acting shy today at all and was actually leading a song and dancing once we reached the lake.  The water did not look too pleasant or clean, so I held back for a second.  Especially after I saw 20+ little boys swimming!  Richard danced his way into the water and the boys loved him.  Clare joined, but I decided to just enjoy the view with Agatha.  Plus, it looked like it was about to be torrential so I helped Patrick wrap all of our “baskets” (bags) in palm leaves.  When the rain came it felt wonderful.  The boys and Clare were making water lily necklaces in the lake.  I asked Richard if Lilisiana was named after the water “lillisianas” but he didn’t laugh.  I thought it was pretty funny.  Clare cracked up so I felt better.  We noted how humor is not universal!  I decided to get close to the water to peer in and then I remembered something I had read about the Solomon Islands in a travel book.  “Beware of any fresh water and do not swim:  crocodiles and snakes.”  I don’t know how I remembered that; it must have been my dad telepathically warning me.  I jumped out of the water.  I asked Agatha out of curiosity if any crocodiles were seen at the lake and she said oh yes all the time.  WOW.  I wanted to tell Clare to get out.  All the little boys were making this strange yipping sound and she said it was because crocodiles swim away when they hear dogs.  Oh, wonderful.  Clare said by the time she realized she was in danger they could have used her water lily necklace for her funeral so she just stayed in the water. Luckily everyone was fine and we began our journey back.  I was having the best time and enjoying the sun once it came out again.  Richard and Agatha headed back toward the market while the rest of us headed back to Fanualama.

After evening prayer and a wonderful family dinner prepared by Ben, Clare, Sister, and I went to Aligegeo to watch talent night.  I really wanted to watch but I was going to be so angry if they made me dance again!  Luckily, they didn’t but there was some other action that took place.  Just as I was getting very sleepy at the end of the show, Sister had the man in charge put on dancing songs to let the kids have fun for a few more minutes.  The boys, including Patrick, grabbed Clare and I and we danced for a song.  It wasn’t bad at all, just really funny.  We sat back down as they played one more song before announcing the winners when all hell broke loose.  One of the teachers, Lucy, who is Sister Loretta’s niece, was judging and sitting behind the speaker with her small daughter Cathy.  All of a sudden, I saw speakers fly and people start to fight.  Lucy was hit with one of the speakers and was bleeding from her mouth.  I thought the fight would die as Sister yelled at the boys to calm down, but nothing stopped.  I saw that everyone was getting angrier and I was worried about Sister getting hurt.  None of the male teachers were doing anything to stop the fighting.  I went to check on Lucy and as soon as blood dripped from her mouth, one of the boys screamed that he saw blood and ran outside.  He was not going to get sick, he was going to get a weapon because he was related to Lucy.  It was essentially his blood.  I got so nervous and realized that this was an entire different culture and I had no idea how to handle myself.  After seeing Lucy was all right, I just tried to keep still on the bench not drawing attention to myself.  Luckily, Patrick grabbed Clare, Sister, Lucy, and me and led us out the door.  He pushed through all the boys and made sure we didn’t get hurt.  I had no idea who had a weapon and who didn’t so I just stared straight ahead with my flashlight.  We were taking Lucy back to Sister’s so I could clean her mouth and see how badly she was hurt.  Clare was carrying her daughter and holding hands with the others as the boys led us back.  All of a sudden the boy that ran out to get a weapon appeared in the path with, yes, a machete.  My heart leaped and I stepped to the side.  He was saying how he was going in to get the boys that hurt Lucy but Sister grabbed him.  She and Patrick held him down and led him back to the house with all of us.  I couldn’t believe how she was dealing with this.  I found myself standing next to machete man as we were walking and I quickly stepped behind him.  I had no idea what was going on.

Luckily, by the time we reached the house, some boys and Lucy had explained the story to me.  Two brothers who are from North Malaita started the fight.  They are also the brothers of one of the male teachers.  They were angry because their brother that is the teacher did not want to have dancing events.  In their North Malaitan culture/religion, dancing is not accepted. Deputy and Sister overruled the teacher because they argued it was a nondenominational school.  The student brothers planned to wreck the equipment so no other dances could be held and to defend their brother.  When Lucy got involved, the boys that are Sister and Lucy’s relatives were just defending their own blood, literally.  Lucy is from South Malaita, married to a North Malaitan.  She has blood relatives in the South and in-laws in the North.  The south and north have tension from time to time, but because Lucy is blood-related to the South, they decided to fight for their side.  South Malaitans also retaliate without any delay where other cultures may wait some time to seek revenge.  When we made it home, I checked out Lucy’s mouth and luckily all her teeth were in.  She had a massive welt on the side of her jaw and cheek and a bruise on her shoulder.  I didn’t think her jaw was out of place so I just wanted to put ice on it.  But, did you know that ice does not exist in the Solomon’s?  I literally took a frozen chicken out of the freezer, wrapped it, and placed it on her for 30 minutes while Sister Loretta gave lectures to the boys.  I also gave her some Advil because she does not have a refrigerator or anything cold at home.  My practical Kilu’ufi experience was put to use tonight.

One way or another, the 15 boys outside were all Lucy and Sister’s family.  Some of the boys went to the brothers who started the fight and received 100 dollars from them.  Apparently compensation is needed when something like this happens so the fighting stops for the time being.  Tomorrow, the villages and larger families will be made aware and Lucy will then receive more adequate compensation.  No police involvement, just family.  It’s funny because the whole time I’ve been here I knew Sister was Malaitan, but she seemed so similar to me that I totally disregarded her following tradition.  She knew the 100 dollars was needed and also knew that she could calm down a man with a machete.  What a woman.

Well, I’m going to try to sleep after this one, and hope the Aligegeo students are safe.  I am thankful nothing more serious happened.  It is safe to say I had a first hand experience of Solomon culture today:  villages, crocodile lakes, and talent night brawls.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I awoke this morning to Sister Loretta sitting at the kitchen table with tea saying, “Pineapple is waiting for some people!” in her high-pitched, hysterical voice.  I told them I had a horrible dream about a fight and a talent night and they replied they had the same dream too!  We shared stories and breakfast while clearing up some of the details I didn’t understand from the previous night.  It was our last Sunday mass, so we got ready and headed off to the Cathedral early with the Aligegeo students.

The mass was beautifully said.  The hymns the students sang were amazing as well as their offertory processions.  I love that their culture is still alive through the church.  The two are intimately linked, responsible for preserving this tradition.  Father Moses said mass, and at the end, Ben Ivy invited Clare and me to the altar.  Simon and Phillip presented us with two wooden crosses with engraved mother of pearl.  I couldn’t believe the appreciation from the community, truly confirming the fact that I do not want to leave.

After talking to the students for some time, we walked back to Fanualama to change for our trip to Buma.  Buma is a Catholic settlement area where there are DMI (Daughter of Mary Immaculate Sisters) and also Sisters of Charity, founded by St. Vincent de Gaulle.  Sisters, Clare, Agatha, and I squeezed in the seat of Bishop’s truck as Father Moses escorted us. I heard it was a long ride, but I was prepared.  Actually, just kidding.  I immediately started feeling sick due to the bumps and puddles and potholes left and right.  We were driving up and down instead of going forward.  I was bouncing and eventually had to close my eyes and lay on Sister Matilda.  We finally reached the village about an hour later and met all the sisters.  We also met 2 Father Lawrences, one the son of Immaculate from the women’s group and one who has traveled to Providence!  Before I could finish shaking hands, a 2-year-old boy Pius (pronounced Pee-yo) ran up to Clare and I growling and speaking an unknown tongue (not pidgin).  Everyone hysterically laughed.  Pius is full of energy and refuses to wear any clothes.  I tried to take pictures of the beach scenery and the chapel but if you look closely you can probably spot him in the corner in every single photo from today.  When we walked in the church he ran on the altar and handed me a baby Jesus sculpture.  Sister Loretta had to sit down she was laughing too hard.  When we were sitting in Father Lawrence’s hut, Pius was so wound up and I noticed he started chewing 3 separate betelnuts.  Essentially, this means Clare and I played with a 2-year-old who was high the entire day.  Many children do it and become addicted, but it is similar to tobacco.  It is the Solomon culture.  We had a cappuccino with the Sisters of Charity from Croatia and I learned they were all nurses.  They took me on a tour of their clinic and talked about their baby delivering experiences.  When we were leaving they gave Clare, the Sisters, and me rosary beads.  Father Moses blessed them on the way home while I held the wheel.

We invited Christina over for dinner tonight, so Sister cooked breadfruit (like chips) and Clare and I took care of the eggplant, peppers, and pineapple.  Christina will be 20 on Tuesday so it was a birthday/friend celebration.  We enjoyed our food as I ended up telling everyone about the “My Strange Addiction” TV show.  Sister just stared at me when I told her some people eat grass or chalk.  I couldn’t stop laughing at her face.  Clare and I had some gifts for Christina and walked her halfway back to school.  Clare and I decided to show the Sisters all of our pictures from the trip and of our families.  We ended up taking Photo Booth pictures and I have never laughed so hard.  We were so out of breath from laughing but continued once I played a video I took of everyone singing one of the liturgy songs in the truck on the way back from Buma.  It is such an amazing communion song and has such a catchy tune that I keep singing it everywhere I go.  It’s in Father Moses and Sister’s home language.  I have officially laughed myself to sleep.  Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I have arrived in Honiara safe and sound, thankfully!  After hearing so many horror stories since I have been here:  engine failures, breakdowns, and lost at sea excursions, I definitely hesitated to step on the boat today.  I’ll recount the events of my last day in Auki first.

I woke up and had a pit in my stomach, not sure whether it was due to sadness of the last day or not feeling well.  It was also Collin’s birthday!  Happy birthday you 18-year-old!  Father Moses said mass and I went back to the house to prepare for my last day at Kilu’ufi.  I wanted to go meet the students in Clare’s classes, so I headed to Aligegeo with Sister Loretta and her at 8 AM.  There was a morning assembly, and I was interested to hear if Saturday night’s events were discussed.  Lucy, the victim, was not at school.  The principal reprimanded all of the students in the dining hall, followed by the deputy principal.  She is so tough, I felt like I was getting yelled at.  After her stern warning to the students, she called Clare and myself to the front to thank us for our time.  I was so embarrassed to go up, after all, I was working at Kilu’ufi for the majority of the time.  They thanked Clare for all her hard work with the speech contest and teaching, and thanked me for my participation in “school activities” aka DANCING!  The entire room erupted in laughter.  Clare made a short speech and when we were walking through the hall to exit, I did a few exit moves out the door for good measure.

I accompanied Clare to her two morning classes where we did a word scramble.  Some of the letters they were unscrambling were from their vocab and also words such as America, University, soccer, Clare, and Cayla!  Clare gave out cookies as prizes, which the kids loved.  We answered their many questions about family, sports, and our studies. 

Baseball hat!
I headed off to Kilu’ufi after, just in time to start ward rounds in children’s side with Dr. Solomon.  Bishop Chris had given me some World Series baseball hats to give out, and I’ve never seen such appreciative smiles from the little boys.  There were two children in horrible shape.  One small baby was partially comatose with an intense fever.  Another younger girl was actually in a coma.  I asked her uncle what her condition was, and he replied malaria.  When I questioned Dr. Solomon about the malaria, she told me that her blood test was negative.  She was most likely suffering from meningitis.  I asked why her uncle had given me the wrong information, and she said that he refuses to believe it was a condition that he could have prevented.  I was a bit confused, but Dr. Solomon explained that the girl previously had rubella, from which she suffered a severe fever.  Her parents did not take her to a clinic to help to reduce the fever in time.  Even when she was finally given an injection for rubella, it was too late.  She went home and as she was playing with her friends, she collapsed with convulsions.  She is still having seizures, so that is why her family believes she has cerebral malaria.  Although it hardly ever happens in the US, when a child has a high fever that is not reduced by aspirin, brain damage can occur.  She suffered the consequences of meningitis, for which her parents were responsible.  Blaming it on malaria gives them peace of mind and an answer, because they cannot adequately test to prove it is meningitis.  I glanced back over at the family and felt sick.  They were crowding around her with wet washcloths, trying to help a little too late.  Dr. Solomon said that she would be fine, but the family wants to take her home.  They told her that the illness was untreatable and beyond her control.  They knew she was going to die, so they wanted her to pass away at home.  Dr. Solomon almost laughed when she told me the story because of their ignorance.  She even said the family wouldn’t care if she died.  They admitted to her it was meant to be.  Poor child.  Dr. Solomon convinced them to stay (the hospital is free after all…).  I know the children’s ward is never “happy” but I was looking forward to moving on to the rest of my day.

Once we reached the maternity ward, Dr. Solomon and I sat and discussed how we would keep in touch in the future.  She would really like my assistance with her VAW (Violence Against Women) organization.  If she were to build a shelter, she wouldn’t have to get it approved by the government, she would just have to buy the land.  She knows that the ministry of health would approve it even if the government does not see the benefit of having a place like this.  I agreed to brainstorm with her and try to find some contacts for her in the US.  She is such a strong woman, I do not have any doubts that her dream will come true, and I would be honored to be a part of it.  She also wanted me to look into having a team of psychologists or counselors to come train nurses.  The future is looking bright for the women of the Solomon’s. 

Nurse Cathy was on the office, so she joined in our conversation.  For some reason, we got on the topic of relationships in the Solomon’s, and I asked many questions.  Because it is so common for men to have other wives, I asked if the majority of men cheat on their spouse.  They both replied that probably most men have other women.  I didn’t want to flat out ask if their husbands had other women, so I just said that both of them seemed happy and had a good relationship.  They hesitated and Dr. Solomon said that she would not be frightened to leave her husband if he was with another woman because she knows the right people to approach.  She said the problem is that many women feel they are trapped because of culture.  I asked why women wouldn’t leave if they were upset?  They answered that most women expect their husbands to have other wives.  If they decided to get a divorce, the children go with the husband.  I was outraged.  Cathy said that even if the mother has a newborn, finds out her husband is seeing other people, and wants to leave, she is obligated to stay because of her child.  Once separated, mothers can never see their children again.  Dr. Solomon said once again that because she knows the right people, she would be able to regain custody of her children.  She really just wants to educate women that they do have a choice.  For instance, there is a bill being passed called “Family Protection” enabling women to still see their children after a separation.  However, if you live in the bush, a mother would never even know this bill was being passed.  Just another form of abuse.  I commended both women on their strength and asked if other women were just as strong; that they would hold in their feelings despite being cheated on.  They said that most times the women are strong, but often they become depressed.  She said she has had women cry to her in the labor ward about how a child is not their husband’s, her husband abuses her, and she didn’t want any more babies.  She also has witnessed mothers trying to run across the road to kill themselves.  The Solomon’s used to be called “The Happy Isles” but since this abuse is prolonging, it is not a happy place for many people.  I could barely believe what I was hearing and stayed quiet for a couple of minutes.  He phone rang and Cathy went to answer it.  She called for me and said that I was wanted at Aligegeo for a “function.”  Oh, no!  This means I was leaving Kilu’ufi.  I couldn’t even stomach the thought.  I said my goodbyes and see you soons, and tried not to shed a tear.  Dr. Solomon is looking forward to our project, as am I. 

After popping my head into the Operating Theater to say buy to Dr. Joe, Jason, and the nurses performing a lower leg amputation, I hopped on the bus to Aligegeo.  When I arrived, I was escorted to the Home-Ec classroom where all the staff was there along with Sister and Clare!  There was pineapple, cucumber, and biscuits as a thank you!  Many of the teachers made a speech thanking Clare for her help, and one teacher even referred to me as “the other one.”  Although my time at Aligegeo was short, I was honored when they presented me with a hand woven basket and a set of shell jewelry.  

After the party, we returned to the house where I told Clare and Sister that one of the nurses had told me our ship for tomorrow was broken!  They said they had heard the same thing and went to town to refund our previous round-trip ticket.  Tomorrow we would leave on another boat at 9 AM, but I was a little nervous about this schedule, engine problems, and Solomon time.  Either way, it was my last night, so Clare and I sat outside with Agatha and Patrick for the rest of the afternoon while he taught us pidgin on a IPad.  We were laughing so hard at my pronunciations and my statements.  Sister Loretta was lying in a hammock rocking back and forth and we were yelling funny phrases in pidgin.  I am seriously going to miss her!  I could sit and watch her facial expressions and be entertained for hours.

Richard started calling me from the priest house near Bishop’s.  I walked up the stairs trying to find him and found him drawing!  He and George come to study in the priest house after school because their homes in Lilisiana are not great for concentrating.  Richard was finishing his drawing for me and I was so excited.  He signed it and I cannot wait to frame it.  He also drew another one because Clare had mentioned possibly turning his drawing into a fabric for Serengetee T-shirts.  Richard would make money for his school fees and the money raised could be donated to Kilu’ufi for medical supplies.  I am excited for him and also so sad to leave.  When I was walking back he said, “I am sorry that you are leaving.”  My heart broke!

I needed to cheer up and our final celebration dinner was just the cure.  Clare, Sisters, Agatha and I enjoyed a cassava pudding, vegetables, chicken, and fish.  We laughed the entire dinner and said that we were going to stay up the rest of the night.  After cleaning up, Sister Loretta and Matilda gave Clare and me a present.  We received a necklace, bracelet, and earrings each with a Pacific Arts Festival banner.  The shell jewelry was beautiful and I was seriously honored that they would do this.  The presents didn’t stop there.  Agatha presented us each with a lava lava with the map of the Solomon Islands.  She was too cute.   She also gave us each a necklace Are-Are her home village.  The shells used for my long necklace with a shell dolphin are native to her land.  I felt so blessed and couldn’t believe that the Sisters ended the gift giving by handing us each a wrapped present for our moms!  I told them that this was the best Collin’s birthday I ever had!  After blasting island music, playing a round of cards, and Agatha braiding our hair, I was starting to fall asleep.  By the time I finished packing it was near 12:30-1 AM and I never wanted the night to end.

As I awoke on Tuesday, I realized it was still my brother’s birthday… what a long day!  Father Moses was called out to say a mass for an opening kindergarten so Sisters led the rosary instead.  After, everyone shook hands with us and I said goodbye to Richard, Simon, George, Gabby, Christina, Veronica, and everyone.  Ben was going to drive us to the wharf with his nephew who is going back to medical school in Cuba.  We luckily found a boat that was not loading yet and we were able to buy tickets.  It was smaller so we heard the ride would take 6 hours.  I started worrying and one of the Marist priests who is friends with the sisters started making fun of me.  His name was Father Julio and he is hysterical.  He was going to be sitting with us on the boat and I told him he better start praying.  He started walking to go get me a beer and I stopped him!  I don’t think that would make me feel better at 7 in the morning… We sat outside with everyone for an hour before loading the boat.  Sister Loretta stocked us up with biscuits and cucumber to take on board.  Right before we were getting on the ship, Liborio came with our paintings!  He had wanted to paint something for us but we couldn’t get in touch with him before we left.  I had asked for Fanualama chapel and Clare wanted Mary and Jesus.  The paintings are absolutely breathtaking and so colorful.  Libo is so talented and I will never forget how he made those crutches in one afternoon. 

I was happy to swallow my seasickness medicine but still felt sick saying goodbye to Sister Loretta, Agatha, and Sister Matilda.  They sat with us until they were kicked off the ship.  We joked around and tried not to be emotional.  I seriously plan on seeing them again so I had to keep a smile.  Agatha handed Clare and I each another gift for our mothers.  These women have gone above and beyond.

After falling asleep in the tiny seating area few times, Clare, Ben, his nephew, Father Julio, and I finally arrived.  I was so delirious the whole time I vaguely remember discussing Immanuel Kant’s philosophy with Father Julio.  I was so happy to stand up but wobbled over going down the stairs.  Don’t worry! The medical student caught me.  Woops.  I jumped off the ship (I’m getting more coordinated) and said my final goodbyes to Ben.  He is such a hard worker and great man.  I saw two sisters in blue so Clare and I walked through the gates to meet them.  Their names were Sister Maria and Mary.  Their driver drove us to Rosiena, their home in Honiara right near the central market.  I totally forgot how crowded this city is compared to Auki.  When we arrived I was completely shocked at the interior of their home.  Wooden floors, a huge kitchen, counters, 3 sofas, a TV, and fans everywhere!  Our room is huge and equipped with a fan!  We’re living in luxury right now.  After checking some email (they have internet), I took a shower WITH WATER PRESSURE.  I totally forgot what that felt like!  They also have hot water, not that you even want it. After a wonderful dinner of pumpkin and cucumber, I missed Sister Loretta’s laugh and Sister Matilda’s sarcastic whispers.  Once again, the 4 sisters here:  Sister Mary, Maria, Rosa, and Saniela are just as welcoming, and I know when Thursday comes I will not want to leave.  We watched Olympic highlights before heading off to bed. Being here makes me miss Auki, despite its few luxuries.  I miss the small kitchen, the outside bathroom, and the chapel outside my window. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I couldn’t believe Clare was making sure I was awake at 5:30 AM!  The sisters were all ready to go in the car with their driver, Emmanuel, and we headed off to Kukum parish in the dark.  We opened the outside church and sat in the dark until the priest arrived.  The view from the back window showed the sea.  By now, I know almost every song we sing for prayer, and afterward Sister Maria thanked me for singing!  I told her that was the first time anyone had ever thanked me for carrying a tune and she laughed.  I think having a beautiful singing voice is a trait carried by most Solomon Islanders.   

At 7:30 we were back, and enjoying breakfast.  The sisters told us that Sister Vero was coming to see us in the afternoon!  But, Sister Rosa wanted to take us to Tenaru in the morning to visit Sister Catie and Sister Stephany!  I excitedly hopped in the car as we drove 15 minutes down the road to St. Joseph’s at Tenaru.  The sight brought back so many memories, like crazy Sister Catie’s laugh and parrot!  I spotted her bright pink lap lap from the clinic and watched as she ran towards our car and left all of her patients.  I was already hysterically laughing.  I couldn’t believe I was back where I started and how close I feel to the sisters.  We enjoyed catching up as well as a nice meal with Sister Stephany and Rosa.  Sister Stephany actually had malaria so she wasn’t feeling too well.  We also saw our friend Jennifer who was just finished taking her trial exam.  Even as Clare and I move on and travel, the sisters continue their hard work.

After arriving back at Rosiena, the sisters were finishing up with their English lesson from Laurel.  She is a volunteer traveling from New Zealand.  Sister Mary and Saniela wanted to take us into town to do some last minute shopping!  We also had to prepare for a dinner celebration tonight at the other sisters; house down the road.  It was the Assumption therefore Sister Matrina’s feast day.  The sisters took us to an unbelievable wooden carving store where Clare and I were impressed by the Ngzoo-Ngzoo figures.  They are warheads and symbolic of Solomon tradition.  There were many other sculptures of canoes and faces.  We headed to Central Market and I felt familiar with the area! I couldn’t believe how much more crowded and dirty it was compared to Auki.  Honiara is like the NYC of Solomon’s.  There are people from every province selling their goods, so the market is 3x as big as Auki.  Pineapples and fruit were everywhere!   We splurged on a few fruits and various items before treating the sisters to ice cream!  I got vanilla with ngali nuts which was delicious (they ran out of coconut).  The heat was unbearable and I was excited to go back to the house.

Clare and I popped in the Insanity work out and Sister Saniela joined us.  We had a great time.  And to top it off, as I was “swimming” (showering) I heard a familiar and beautiful sound:  Sister Veronica’s laugh!  I sprinted downstairs and found her sitting with the sisters!  I was so excited and she just laughed and laughed.  She said the mountain was still waiting for me (Mount Chiromagati, the one where I almost cried climbing to the peak) and started the teasing already.  We cut up pineapple and mango as we shared stories about Sister Loretta and Matilda from Auki.  Sister Veronica and I also told the sisters how I thought she was jumping on the roof when the earthquake hit!  We also told the story of how I fell down the mountain and laid in Cindrella’s yard screaming, “Where do I live?!”  I couldn’t believe that was only 3 weeks ago.  I feel like Sister Veronica is my aunt or sister and we have been apart for so long.  I don’t want to leave her again; she is an incredible and strong woman.

After prayer together, we walked to Panatina Ridge, the other sisters’ house, for our celebration.  We shared laughter and so much food for Sister Matrina’s feast day!  We were even presented with a cake and 2 straw hats!  Just as I am really getting comfortable, it is time to leave.

After getting home around 9:30 PM, Clare and I showed Sister Vero all the videos and pictures of Auki, including Sister Loretta’s infamous nostril flare film.  We were uncontrollably laughing once again.  Sister Vero and Sister Loretta are best friends and now I can see why!  Both of their laughs can light up an entire room, maybe village!  Before we headed to bed, Sister Vero gave Clare and I each a bracelet.  She said she will miss us.  Seriously, I have been treated so special in the Solomon’s.  The people give, give, and give more, and it is time that they are given some gifts themselves.    

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